Cash forecasting:

A look into the future

Join us for an insightful 40-minute webinar where industry experts discuss the transformative impact of automated cash forecasting on modern financial operations.

Learn how Tangoe's CFO, Joel Jeselsohn, enhanced his company’s cash forecasting process, saving time and reducing errors. Panax's VP of Product, Adi Barak, will explain how Data connectivity and AI can be leveraged for better forecasting tools that can elevate your cash management strategy.

Adi Barak
VP Product @Panax
Joel Jeselsohn
CFO @Tangoe
Sign Up for Webinar

What you'll learn:

  • The importance of accurate cash forecasting in today's financial climate.
  • How automation can save your team time and reduce manual errors.
  • The real-world impact of automated and AI tools on forecast accuracy and efficiency.
  • How tech helps you to forecast better, and how to measure forecast accuracy easily. 
  • A live example of the new Panax cash forecast.
  • Engage directly with experts during a live Q&A session.